Keep Moving Forward
Welcome to the Ether Angle, created by yours truly, self-proclaimed swashbuckler of innovation!
So, you’re lost. It happens to everyone. This is a safe place with no judgment. Stay a while or don’t.
Wow! You’ve stayed. Welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting!
It’s been 8 years and almost embarrassing to look at what this site looked like. BUT, it’s part of who I am and the journey I’m on. Thus, that content will remain. If you’re a glutton for punishment, here is the original About Us wording in quotes/italics.
The topics won’t change drastically. Motorcycles and coffee join the list. A new angle is trying to be a helpful resource for those interested in starting their journey on those topics or just started. Sections will be added to the main nav to that end.
Perhaps the more interesting change will reflect the name of the blog, Ether Angle. A poor attempt at a pun to capture the essence of the blog. Double take was taken, so here we are.
Whoah, we’ve run off track a little bit. The name is meant to capture new angles to topics, potentially from generative AI. You might get 2 takes for certain topics to show you how good or bad generative AI is.
What you get after playing with Ideogram for a little bit