Cheers to coffee!
So, you’re lost. It happens to everyone. This is a safe place with no judgment. Stay a while or don’t.
Wow! You’ve stayed. Welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting!
It’s been 8 years and almost embarrassing to look at what this site looked like. BUT, it’s part of who I am and the journey I’m on. Thus, that content will remain. If you’re a glutton for punishment, read on for the original About Us wording in quotes/italics.
The topics won’t change drastically. Motorcycles and coffee join the list. A new angle is trying to be a helpful resource for those interested in starting their journey on those topics or just started. Sections will be added to the main nav to that end.
Perhaps the more interesting change will reflect the name of the blog, Ether Angle. A poor attempt at a pun to capture the essence of the blog. Double take was taken, so here we are.
Whoah, we’ve run off track a little bit. The name is meant to capture new angles to topics, particularly that of generative AI. You will get 2 takes for certain topics to show you how good or bad generative AI is.
What you get after playing with Ideogram for a little bit
The major focus of this blog is creativity, innovation, and technology. The lens will often be forward looking, business oriented, and questioning. I am not an expert, so the another viewpoint that I hope to bring is what I'm calling "innovation for the rest of us."
Some thoughts that have crossed my mind as I read up on innovation are:
No one is immune to disruptive innovation. It gives no warning, but many signs.
If you aren't thinking of ways to disrupt your business, someone else will do it for you.
A swashbuckling, humor loving dad & husband, my purpose is to blaze a trail where creativity & innovation thrive and change can be fun. I live by 3 mantras:
Be yourself
Don't ever stop asking questions
Don't be afraid to fail
I'm particularly excited by the increasing possibilities of 3D printing (thank you Carbon 3D!), Tesla’s open source announcement last summer and Toyota’s seeming response more recently.
With a knack for asking thought provoking questions, looking at challenges from multiple perspectives, and high self-awareness I'm able to push habituation and assumptions to the side in order to see things others don't.
To satisfy my endless thirst for development I'm currently pursuing an MBA from Baldwin Wallace University, living in Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup, and almost always taking a MOOC. Don't know what a MOOC is? Click here for a nice page from educause.
This is a great read and can apply to nearly anyone in almost any role at any kind of organization. 3 any's? Yep.
When I'm not working or spending time with family, I enjoy reading thriller novels (especially Vince Flynn, Ted Bell, and James Rollins), watching sitcoms, the outdoors, and sports. I'm also particularly infatuated by the imagination and creativity in animated films from Disney/Pixar and DreamWorks. My favorites include How to Train Your Dragon 2, Wreck-It Ralph, and Wall-E.
Contact info
If you’d like to reach out to me, you can send me a message at aciszczon [at]