1st Musing



I was working on my next series of blog posts, which will focus on the Apple Watch, when I came across Fred Wilson. One 82 word post on his blog has caused quite a stir. More about that later, but if you can't wait, check out this CNBC video.

Wilson posts something to his blog every day. That was not something I considered possible when I first started this website last week, but that's exactly what I'm going to try to do on this page. 

Today's goods will focus on Jet.com and their imminent launch. I received an email to join this afternoon and have been thinking about it since I joined...after vetting it of course. Their launch is simply fascinating and will make for an interesting case study in the future no matter the result.  

Main takeaways:

  • Jet will have the lowest price every time (see the link to the bloomberg article below for more on how)
  • Jet is offering stock options to their Top 10 Insiders and lifetime membership to the Top 100 (Insiders are basically those who signed up and are actively referring others...without ever having tried the service...something to keep in mind)
  • Jet is offering early access to their services for the Top 100k Insiders

The "insider" approach and sense of urgency has created something similar to what I've heard about Ello. Taking on Amazon and not being afraid to announce it to the world takes moxie and I like it. 

Here's a bloomberg article about the company and its story. Stealing a page out of Amazon's logo playbook with the happy/wink face j. I'm guessing this is not an accident...fisticuffs. 

Can't wait to see what their service and the customer experience is going to be like. 

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Apple Watch Rundown (Part 1 of 3 on the Apple Watch)

Resourcefulness - 1 of ?